Cubbon walkers oppose marathons
Association President S. Umesh has said, The capacity of Cubbon Park is already stretched due to heavy movement of traffic.

Bengaluru: The Cubbon Park Walkers Association has threatened to initiate legal action against the state government if it permits marathons through Cubbon park in the future.
Association President S. Umesh has said, “The capacity of Cubbon Park is already stretched due to heavy movement of traffic. Marathons in which thousands of people participate further adds to the stress of the park’s fragile ecosystem.”
"The loud speakers and the convergence of a large number of people frighten the birds and other small animals for whom the park is a home. The trash that these events generate is another threat to the environment," Umesh said. He pointed out that the government was not permitting any commercial activity in Lalbagh, but was meting out a step motherly treatment towards Cubbon Park
The CPWA's contention is that event managers make huge profits and the corporate entities strengthen their branding, but Cubbon Park does not benefit in any way. If the government allows any marathon within Cubbon Park in future, the association will approach the court for a stay order, the association warned.