India that is Bharat: What Hyderabad says

Bharat, was, is and will always be our country’s name. This move will help us leave our colonial footprints behind and get back to our roots.
Shivani Prakash
Communication professional
Bharat indicates a cultural relation with our soil. Bharat culture is ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ and I don’t think the name change will cause any harm.
S. Umesh Kumar
MNC professional
Clearly, the main reasons for the government to change the name from India to Bharat is to counter Opposition parties which are aligned together as INDIA. This is a cheap way to get back at them. The government needs to focus on real issues and not get personal and ugly like this
Poorna Keshava T.S.
It's funny to see that the people making these decisions do not realise how it takes a lot to change the name to Bharat but the Opposition won’t waste a minute to figure out an abbreviation for BHARAT, if it wants to. Shows how juvenile the decision makers or 'forcers' are.
Abid Ali Khan
IT professional
Why is it wrong if other governments change the name from Calcutta to Kolkata, Madras to Chennai, Bombay to Mumbai but not India to Bharat?
Satya Pamula
PR professional