Unapproved plots, layouts: Tamil Nadu notifies rules for regularisation
The state government passed an order dated May 4 notifying the rules for regularisation of unapproved plots and layouts.

Chennai: In order to protect the interest of innocent purchasers and to provide basic infrastructure facilities, the state government has introduced a scheme to regularise the unapproved plots / layouts, which were sold and registered on or before October 20, 2016 in the state.
The state government passed an order dated May 4 notifying the rules for regularisation of unapproved plots and layouts. According to the notification, in exercise of powers conferred by section 113 of the Town and Country Planning Act (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972), the Government exempts all unapproved layouts, where any or all plots are sold and registered on or before October 20, 2016 and all unapproved plots which are sold and registered on or before October 20, 2016 from the operation of all the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning act.
As per the Rules, it shall be compulsory for all the eligible individual plot owners and layout promoters to file an application on-line for regularisation to the competent authority concerned within 6 months from the date of commencement of these rules along with the fees and charges as per the self assessment made and annexed with the application.
The competent authority shall process the application and pass orders of regularisation on-line. The application for individual plot regularisation in a layout shall be considered for regularisation only after in- principle approval of the layout framework is issued by the competent authority. Accordingly, all the individual plot owners in an unapproved layout shall apply for regularisation of their plots along with a sketch of the layout.
The Regularisation charges are - (1) Rs 100 per square foot in City Municipal Corporation area, (ii) '60 in Municipal area and (iii) Rs 30 in areas covered under Town Panchayats and Village Panchayats areas.
Development charges shall be collected for the plot or layout to be regularised (a) Rs 600 per sq ft in City Municipal Area, (b) Rs 350 in Special and Selection Grade Municipal area, (c) Rs 250 in Grade-I and Grade-II Municipal Area, (d) Rs 150 in Town Panchayat and Rs 100 in Village Panchayat area.
Charges for Open Space Reservation (OSR) Area is: For regularisation of plot in a sub-division, the OSR area requirement as per the development regulations or development control regulations, as the case may be, shall be calculated and charged proportionately to the plot area applied for regularisation.
For regularisation of layout, OSR area charge shall be collected for 10 percent of the layout area as per the guideline value, if 10 percent of OSR is not available. However, if part of the required 10 percent OSR area is available in the layout then such available area shall be deducted in the calculation of OSR area requirement and charges levied accordingly.