Telangana: Medical faculty may work till 65
There are some concerns over existing junior staff losing their promotions if the retirement age is increased, says Reddy.

Hyderabad: The Telangana government is all set to raise the medical faculty retirement age to 62 or 65 to overcome a severe shortage of faculty across the state’s medical colleges.
The retirement age is currently, 58 years. The Medical Council of India has sought opinions from all states about the proposal to increase the retirement age to 70 years to overcome the staff shortage. But the state government is in favour of increasing the age to 62 or 65.
The state minister for health C. Laxma Reddy said the government would hold elaborate discussions with existing staff before sending a letter to the MCI on the proposed increase in staff age limits.
“There are some concerns over existing junior staff losing their promotions if the retirement age is increased. Some service-related problems of existing staff were also raised during the various meetings. The government will duly address these issues before taking a final decision over whether to increase the retirement age of medical faculty to 62 years or 65 years,” Mr Reddy said.
But rather immediately, the government is also planning to take up promotions for existing staff before increasing the retirement age so that there will not be any resistance for the age-increase proposal.
Officials also visited various states and studied how the other governments were dealing with the problems. It has been found that several states are actually implementing different retirement age limits for faculty posts. These vary from 60 to 65 years.