MTC, Govt transport workers observe silence against Vehicles Act amendment
Many transport workers in the city sat in the depots, while union members issued pamphlets on changes made in the Act.

Chennai: At a time when Opposition parties across the country are strongly opposing the Bill to amend Motor Vehicles Act, 2018, workers from Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) and all the government transport regions observed silence for an hour across the state demanding to withdraw the amendment, as it will be a detrimental to the working staff.
Many transport workers in the city sat in the depots, while union members issued pamphlets on changes made in the Act. However, bus services were affected.
K. Natarajan, treasurer, Labour Progressive Federation, said, “Since many workers were not aware of amendment made to Motor Vehicles Act, 2018, we decided to explain about the Bill to the workers on Friday and Saturday early morning. Already, the court has stated that buses can be operated without conductors.”
Going by the amendment in the bill, there will be no regional transport offices and there is a high possibility that private agencies can undertake the transport sector, he added.
Similarly, another member said “if the amendment bill is not withdrawn, we will stage series of protests across the city, as the bill will give room for employees to remain jobless.”
When contacted, a higher-up in the transport department, said "the bill has not been introduced, so there is no urgency in conducting demonstration. We have been instructing workers not to trigger fear and resort to any any kind of demonstration. Action will also be taken against those, who do not turn up for duty.”