
Aasu warns Centre against Citizenship bill

The Aasu general secretary Mr Lurin Jyoti Gogoi said that the students’ body was not prepared to accept it.

Guwahati: A day after Union home minister Amit Shah announced to bring in the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, the powerful All Assam Students’ Union (Aasu) warned that New Delhi should not play with the sentiments of the people of Assam and other northeastern states.

Referring the statement of the home minister, the Aasu also threatened that it would be forced to launch a democratic movement if the Centre tries to impose the CAB against the wishes of the people.

Defining the CAB in violation to the spirit of the Assam Accord, the Aasu general secretary Mr Lurin Jyoti Gogoi said that the students’ body was not prepared to accept it.

He pointed out that as per the Assam Accord, all foreigners, who came to Assam after March 24, 1971 should be detected and deported irrespective of their religion.

He also regretted that the Centre’s move to try and give citizenship to foreigners on the basis of religion is unconstitutional as India is a secular country.

“The imposition of the CAB would pose a threat to the political rights, language and culture of the indigenous people of Assam and other northeastern states,” he said.

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