More colleges to get autonomy
It discussed recommendations of a Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) panel to identify problems such institutions faced.

Thiruvananthapuram: More colleges will get autonomy in Kerala after a ‘comprehensive amendment’ of law, higher education minister KT. Jaleel told a meeting of the autonomy approval council he chaired on Saturday.
It discussed recommendations of a Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) panel to identify problems such institutions faced.
He felt they have both positive and negative impact on the education sector. Though they made no qualitative change in higher education, it ensured exams and results in time.
The amendment will ensure the inclusion of college union chairman and secretary in the governing and academic councils, respectively, of these institutions and a grievance redressal cell for students.
The meeting proposed the appointment of a controller of examinations in autonomous colleges like a university.
The KSHEC panel found legislation governing autonomous colleges could not ensure equity, transparency and social justice.
Their board of studies can make up to 30 per cent changes in the syllabus, subject to the approval of the university. They have to follow university regulations on the syllabus revision, it recommended.
Sources said six, Government Sanskrit College, Thiruvananthap- uram, and five aided colleges, have sought autonomy. As per norms colleges with 3.5 and above from NAAC on a 4-Point scale (that is A+ and A++) can apply.
The committee also suggested a separate board of studies for all subjects and colleges should adhere to university laws on new programmes.
The power to fix the fee should rest with the university, and only UGC qualified teachers should be appointed in self-financing programmes.