Change of guard in Atomic Minerals Directorate
Prior to assuming Office of Director, AMD, M.B. Verma was Additional Director in the same organisation.

Hyderabad: Scientific Officer M.B. Verma has taken over as Director, Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) , in place of L.K. Nanda, who has retired on completion of 36 years of Service. Prior to assuming Office of Director, AMD, M.B. Verma was Additional Director in the same organisation.
Mr. Verma, after obtaining Masters and M.Phil degrees in Geology from Aligarh Muslim University, joined AMD in 1982. He has experience in exploration of atomic minerals in different geological domains of Southern, Eastern, Western, Northern and South Central parts of India spanning over 36 years. His exploration strategy resulted in large scale augmentation of uranium resources in Tummala-palle and Koppunuru in Andhra Pradesh; Peddagattu and Chitrial in parts of Telangana.
His work in Singhbhum Shear Zone in Jharkhand resulted in findinf number of uranium deposits like Mohuldih and Bandhuhurang and they are being exploited by Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL). Mr. Verma also has the credit of proving the economic significance of Umra-Udaisagar in Aravalli Fold belt and Siwana Ring Complex in Rajasthan, Dharmapuri Shear Zone in Tamil nadu and Ambadongar Carbona-tite Complex in Gujarat for Uranium and Rare Metal and Rare Earths (RMRE).