Chennai police release pic of two suspects involved in lifting of 8 month-old boy
Chennai: City police on Thursday released a CCTV grab of a duo suspected to be involved in the lifting of an eight-month-old boy, during the wee hours on March 21. The grab was picked up from the recordings from one of the eight cameras installed with the efforts of Esplanade Police.
The couple, Vinod (29) and his wife Metha (22), their eight-month-old son Rokesh and two other children were sleeping on the pavement in front of Burma Bazaar on North Fort Road.
The mother last saw the baby at around 3 am when she fed him. At 5 am when she woke up, she found the toddler missing. This duo, one wearing trousers and a shirt and the other wearing a knee-length shorts and a shirt, are seen casually passing by the occurrence area, at around 4.45 am.
The quality of the grab is poor, as the camera was at least 100 m away, fixed at Old Tiruvallur Bus Stand. Further the darkness compounds the woes of image quality.
“Though there is no specific footage suggesting the duo to have lifted the baby, we still suspect them to have been part of the racket. The only suspicion against them is that they were the only persons who had passed by the pavement where the victim family was asleep at the time of occurrence”, said a senior police official. The grab was released at a time when the organized gang is suspected to be involved in another baby-lifting incident reported on Wall Tax Road.