Exam evaluators in the dock over mistakes
The Telangana state government has cracked the whip on errant evaluators.

Hyderabad: The Telangana state government has cracked the whip on errant evaluators of Intermediate answer sheets. It has issued notices to 2,300 junior lecturers who committed blunders as evaluators in the April 2015 public exams and has levied penalties ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 20,000 each.
Several meritorious students were given lower marks despite performing well in the exams. Students had to then incur unnecessary expenditure to apply and get revaluations done, besides suffering mental agony. Intermediate marks have become more significant since 2012 with the Centre?s policy to give 40 per cent weightage to them in JEE (Main). Moreover, only students who fall in the top 20 percentile in Inter exams are eligible for admission into IITs even if they clear JEE (Main) and JEE (Advanced) with top marks.
Besides, the state government has been giving 25 per cent weightage for Inter marks in Eamcet since 2009. All these factors have put enormous pressure on Inter students for securing higher marks in exams and faulty evaluation has been hurting their prospects. With each mark being crucial, a variation of up to 30 marks was witnessed in case of some students due to faulty evaluation. “Notices were issued to errant evaluators. Penalties have been levied based on the gravity of errors committed by them.