Malayalam actress abduction: Crime Branch IG Kashyap was kept off deliberately
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Crime Branch IG Dinendra Kashyap was allegedly kept in the dark about the quizzing of actor Dileep and actor-director Nadirsha in connection with the actor abduction and sexual assault case owing to his no-nonsense attitude. According to sources, Dileep being a high- profile actor with good political connections, a section of political bosses wanted to ensure that the probe did not zero-in on the actor in case he is involved.
This could have prompted ADGP south-zone B. Sandhya to take up quizzing the superstar which had become inevitable, sources in the police said. Mr Kashyap was known for his integrity and investigative skills. He had served in the Central Bureau of Investigation for many years. Moreover, he could withstand pressures too.“These qualities of Mr Kashyap would not go well in cases in which the government could have some interests. If Dileep spills any vital evidence during quizzing under Kashyap, he would take the probe in the right direction,” a police officer who earlier worked with Mr Kashyap told DC.'
Meanwhile, ADGP Sandhya gave a detailed reply to state police chief Loknath Behera denying the charge of former police chief T.P. Senkumar that there was lack of coordination between herself and the special investigation team head Kashyap. On his last day in office, Mr Senkumar had sent a letter to Ms Sandhya stating that Mr Kashyap, despite being the special investigation team head, was kept in the dark about the quizzing. A recent meeting of ADGP headquarters Tomin J. Thachakary with Nadirsha also gave credence to the allegations that the probe was not in the right track, sources pointed out.