
Read at least one good book per week: Pradeep Kumar from BookWritten

Pradeep Kumar runs a moderately active Facebook Community for Book Lovers.

It's not rocket science, right from our childhood, even before that, we have been reading letters, then words, then sentences, then paragraphs, and at one point, an entire book to understand about the beautiful things in the world.

Pradeep Kumar runs a community for book lovers called "BookWritten" and he also launched an app for the people who want to keep track of the books they read.

Have people stopped reading physical paperback books these days? For this, Pradeep Kumar answered: "It's a complicated question, but the people who preferred reading physical newspapers are still reading the newspaper even after all these years. We have a lot of popular news apps out there; people can just take out their tablet or phone and start reading, but still, that paper feel and texture are irreplaceable."

But, things are changing a lot, earlier, we used to go to the DVD shop and buy movies, but right now, it's just Netflix, Prime, or YouTube for movies. It's almost the same for games as well.

In our busy day-to-day life, how exactly can we allocate time for reading books, here is a tip shared by the BookWritten founder: "Okay, I'm not going to judge you here, even I'm not a regular reader, but, I understood what I should do to read at least one good book per week.

You might be a school/college student, you might be working somewhere, or you might be self-employed like a freelancer. We can always allocate time, no matter what. Are you watching a popular TV Series, aka Binge-watching?

Very well, try skipping an episode in the middle and allocate that episode's runtime for reading a book. I know the series will be exciting, but hey, you can always come back and watch, you don't need a motivation to do that, right? These days, instead of taking my smartphone to the restroom, I'm taking my Kindle device there, not going to debate if it's a good habit or not, but this helped me."

That's an interesting tip for sure. There is an additional tip we would like to share: If you are reading a small book, make sure you read it continuously and don't deviate for anything like movies/series or any other entertainment. If you depart even for a minute, you'll lose interest, and you might not read the book that day, or worse, forever.

Pradeep Kumar runs a moderately active Facebook Community for Book Lovers; he plans to expand the base, have more activities, and create more interactions. He'll be launching a book blog as well very soon.

Movies vs. Books, which is your pick? He says: "I'm running both a movie group and a book group, but the latter can hardly match the former's engagement level. But, if you give me a book and a movie based on this book, I'll obviously pick the book. Here is something funny - If you give me a movie and a book based on this movie, I'll pick the book here as well."

Let's hope more people read more books, when you start a New Year, create a new Read-list or update your old one, and make sure you follow it consistently. BookWritten app comes handy for this as well.

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