Video: Newborn baby surprisingly walks moments after birth
Seeing a baby walk for the first time is the biggest moment for any parent but that takes a while and most parents have to wait patiently to see the first steps. However, a mother, doctors and nurses were left surprised after a newborn baby walked a few moments after it was born and the Internet can’t handle it too.
According to a media report, the video posted by a Facebook user Arlete Arantes shows a newborn baby walking with the support of a nurse on the hospital bed. While it is unlikely that babies walk within the first few months, it is impressive to see it happen almost immediately after birth and that is leaving people amazed. The video has got over 70 million views and one million shares since it was posted.
Interestingly, the baby walking is a natural action called the ‘stepping reflex’ where the baby attempts to take a few steps once place on a hard surface. The baby is in a healthy condition and is certainly a few steps ahead of most people when they’re born.
Watch the video here: