An app for sports enthusiasts
The app has an incorporated newsfeed you can share your images and thoughts with your friends.

The lack of open spaces and public playing fields in the city as a result of rapid urbanisation has paved way for a new booming business venture. Private sporting facilities such as Futsal turfs and indoor multi-sport arenas have mushroomed across the city over the last couple of years and most of them are making brisk business with youngsters as well as working professionals coming in droves.
Catering to the growing demand, a Chennai-based mother-son duo have come up with an app — Gasp (Goals, Adventure, Score, People). “Gasp is an aggregator. We have signed up with most of the sports facilities, fitness centres and adventure activities in the city. The app will help you find a facility based on your preferences such as locality, price and ratings,” said Anish Jain, a 22-year-old Commerce graduate. Anish’s mother Anupama is the co-owner of the startup.
Anish said the enthusiasm for recreational activities has grown a lot in the last few years, but it remains an untapped market for an aggregator. “Futsal (five-a-side game), in particular, has become a rage especially among working professionals. There are quite a few turfs in the city now and some of them are open 24x7 to cater to techies. This app's main aim is to bring the entire fraternity under one umbrella so that they can network, socialise and be informed about the tournaments,” added Anish.
Adventure activities such as snorkeling, paintball, surfing and sports fishing have also made its foothold in Chennai. “Our goal is to change people’s perception on these activities. Contrary to what people think, they are not very expensive. And you don’t have to travel abroad to indulge in them. We want to empower the common man by giving access to explore and unwind,” said Anish.
Anish said his ultimate aim is to attract even professional sportspersons and coaches to make use of the app as he is planning to tie up with more cricket and tennis facilities.