Couple of chuckles
Now, comedy nights ignite that loving feeling as the city sees an incidence of couples bonding over some ribtickles.

Conventional check-ins of courtship, dinner dates and movie nights at fancy addresses are passé. Millennials are all game for a couple of chuckles — especially when cupid strikes! With popular venues for stand-up gigs and comedy evenings witnessing couples in attendance by the hordes, it is perhaps safe to surmise how having the last laugh is the way forward — quite literally! A volley of Bengalureans tell us how a lot of people are considering comedy night hubs as places to bond... and to show their love.
“I believe nothing lightens you up like a good laugh! Plus there is zero awkwardness. I personally love the idea as there aren’t peering eyes and secondly, it’s a great way to enjoy each others company without a common ground for conversation as there’s entertainment right before you! While there’s no harm in going the old school way of meeting over a well-planned candlelight dinner or at a café, it’s a different experience altogether to laugh out loud with a loved one. But that said, I think it’s important to skim through and pick up a show which doesn’t touch upon a touchy topic – especially if it’s your first date and don’t know what really ticks off your date,” shares Shweta Hegde, a catalog quality associate. Reiterating how it’s humour that goes a long way in reviving the spark in a relationship, Chaitra PS, a youngster opines, “Comedy is touted as a stress-buster. And that’s not just restricted to your works. Bonding with your loved one over a gig that assures laughter is one of the best ways to keep it going. Both Karthik and I are totally game to check in at a comedy gig over any other form of outing.”
Interestingly, the idea is also garnering immense popularity among city folk, all thanks to an underlying factor: the ability to determine if your partner is on the same page. “If I were to spend quality time with somebody who would snap at harmless jokes, I would get the red flag instantly! A person’s understanding of a joke and the ability to take one, goes a long way in determining one’s temperament. Also, if you observe, most stand-up guys choose topics which can otherwise make one feel uncomfortable if it weren’t for their easy portrayal. And watching how somebody reacts in such instances gives a deeper perspective about your partner. I think it’s the carefree ambiance which personally makes it an appealing venue to most youngsters, who just want to have a good time,” reveals Haroon Kamal, a 27-year-old a theatre artiste.
What’s more, even stand-up artistes feel the trend is catching up, and is certainly here to stay. Sundeep Rao, a popular stand -up comedian opines, “That’s been happening a lot lately. Comedy shows create an environment where conventional social barriers are broken down and this helps people let their guard down and relax. Comedians typically talk about insecurities, life problems and social issues. This helps create a relationship based on trust between the artist and audience. Movie and mall outings can be mundane but a comedy evening – never.”