Stunner on the surf!
2019 marks the 7th edition of the festival which brings together national and international surfers and athletes. Over 200 athletes will take part alongside Yoga instructors and musicians from across the world. This year, Covelong Point is also hosting the REnextop Asian Surfing Tour (RAST) 2019 in addition to the national competition and over 50 international surfers, with teams from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Philippines, will be competing for Asia's top prize.
"I love the sea and I think that's how I started off surfing", says, Regina Cassandra, actress and surfer. "Since I'm from Chennai I feel the beach is my second home. I love the fact that the festival brings sport and culture together. In our state especially, surfing has come newly and I think Arun Vasu with Surf Turf, Moorthy and other boys have actually taken this sport to another level altogether. Now, surfing has become more of a family outing".
Regina Cassandra explains, "My instructor was really good and that's how I grained interest in surfing along with my love for water. I also personally feel that surfing is an interesting sport and people who don't know how to swim can still surf!"
"The festival primarily aims to promote the sport of surfing and stand up paddle in India, spread the message of importance of good health and wellness, provide a platform for India's artists to showcase their work, promote cultural tourism and facilitate social change for the better," says Arun Vasu, promoter of Covelong Point Surf, Music and Yoga Festival.