
Women who watch gay male porn imagine themselves as men in sexual fantasies

A lot of women watch gay porn so that they don't feel guilty about a woman in the video.

The internet has provided people with access to diverse content and different kind of porn is also widely viewed across the globe. While the effects of porn on men have been known to damage sex lives, adult films are also known to have an impact on women.

Now a scientist has revealed that more than half of women who watch male gay porn tend to think of themselves as men while fantasising. He also said that a lot of women watch gay porn so that they don’t feel guilty about the woman in a video.

Research found that 37 percent of all male gay porn on PornHub was viewed by women. The study showed that women have a desire to flip the masculine representation of women in both porn as well as cinema.

It also found that for women who survived rape and abuse, male to male porn was a form of sexually explicit media they can enjoy without feeling re-traumatised.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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