Mother charges rent from 5-year-old daughter to prepare her for the real world
It’s important to inculcate certain important values among children from an early age and managing finances is something that is crucial for their future. While some people may find the idea of charging rent from one’s own child weird, it may actually teach them an important lesson.
A clever mother took to Facebook to share how she takes most of her five-year-old daughter’s allowance as rent. She then secretly sets aside the money taken as rent in a savings account for the girl’s future.
She explains to her daughter how people in the real world have to spend most of the money from their income on bills. Her daughter doesn’t know that her money is being kept as savings which will be useful if she moves out on her own when she grows up.
The woman urged other parents to do the same thing as it will make children understand the value of money and prepare them for the real world.