What makes an ideal man?
Popular influencers and activists from the city talk about the ideal traits a man should possess.

In the recent years of the growing free-thinking population and a society that strives to attain gender equality, there is also an increasing need to celebrate and honour change-making men. International Men’s Day, that is celebrated every year on the 19th of November, is for everyone to rejoice, irrespective of gender, sexuality or region. The theme this year is to celebrate men and boys in all their diversity. We speak to prominent men from various fields — ranging from LGBTQ activism to fashion, sports and more — and ask them what makes for an ideal male role model.
Visakan Rajendiran, Entrepreneur/ model/ activist
First and foremost, a man must treat everyone equally. This is the most important trait we should possess because these days, there is only comparison and competition everywhere. I don’t say competing is a bad thing, but it should not come at the cost of affecting others. Apart from this, when speaking about differently-abled people like me, I think many able-bodied men feel that we don’t have as much potential as they do — this conception should definitely change because we work thrice they do, to lead a normal life. And what I would like to convey to differently-abled men is, if you think society is not aware about us or our difficulties, it’s your duty to make them understand us. When I go to a restaurant and when people see me taking effort to go on a staircase, they would realise that they can create a pathway for people like us to go easily — so it is up to us to make a difference.
Rahul Raja, Freestyle Footballer
In my opinion, the times have changed for the better. The youth these days are more aware of gender equality and have changed for the better. I teach football in our academy with my friend Pradeep Ramesh for free and in my class, I have three girl students learning soccer and breaking the gender stereotypes. I think both women and men play an equal role in the upbringing of a gender neutral society. It can start from something as simple as travelling in a bus. Men and women can sit in their respective seats and if the seats are full both deserve an equal chance at sitting. But the youth — both women and men — have started becoming empathetic and offer seats to elderly, pregnant women or differently abled people. We are becoming more humane and I hope it remains this way!
Arav, Actor/ model
Men and women are made different, scientifically speaking. But there’s this conception among many youngsters now, who feel that women are the so called ‘weaker section’, and take advantage of it. It is totally wrong and I feel it is high time we, as men, do our best to stop this totally unforgivable discrimination towards women — it’s our responsibility to make them feel safe. I also feel that there’s a lack of realisation about companionship among the millennial men. It was not the case 20 or 30 years back. You can’t be naïve and say you don’t understand women — know what relationship is, give them their space and most importantly, make them feel secure.
I believe self discipline and self confidence are the core qualities that a man should possess. They are the pillars of everything and they reflect the ‘real’ man. Having self-discipline will also help you choose wisely, as you may have to make some sacrifices as a part of achieving your goals and it will invigorate people. You can’t shine yourself without having them. Also, compassion plays a major role in building relationships, but one has to show it for the right people at the right time and it will help you in the long run. Once you start practicing them, no one can stop you from achieving your goals and winning the heart of people!
A good man treats all women as equals and that shows his proper upbringing. Everyone has the right to be themselves, just as they are. As a supporter of LGBT, I’m happy about the growing support for the community in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Sexuality doesn’t decide character or talent. Being in the industry of fashion, I’m making changes in the way I can by organising many ramp walks for the LGBT community, styling them and also giving them employment opportunities. Everyone has a chance at a regular life and that is why this year’s theme of accepting men in all their diversity is very important!