Post about a boy giving his new snow boots to homeless man goes viral
Chicago may be struggling with sub-zero temperatures, but it's the warmth of the city's people that seems to keep it going.

Frequent incidents involving hate and violence from across the globe may make the world seem like a cynical place. But from time to time there are individuals who spread hope for humanity with simple acts of kindness.
Chicago may be struggling with sub-zero temperatures, but it’s the warmth of the city’s people that seems to keep it going. An attorney from the city shared a moving account of how a young man gave his snow boots to a homeless person who was only wearing torn gym shoes in the cold weather.
Jessica Bell starts by mentioning how the homeless man has swollen feet and while he may be wearing multiple pairs of socks to keep his feet warm, blood was seeping through. She then goes on to write how the boy named Maurice takes off his expensive snow boots and quietly gives them to the unknown man.
The post went viral on Facebook with thousands of shares as people were touched by Maurice’s act of compassion.