Video: Same sex couples protest eviction of gay couple with a 'Kissathon' in London
The struggle for LGBT rights in India has been gaining a lot of support, and meanwhile in the UK a group of around 200 people arrived at a London supermarket with rainbow flags, and kicked off a mass “kissathon”.
The entire event was a response to the eviction of a gay couple from the supermarket on Hackney Road called Sainsbury’s, because a woman had complained about them holding hands.
The protesters, who came out in support for Thomas Rees and Joshua Bradwell, first danced outside the store and later kissed in the aisles. Meanwhile Sainsbury’s apologised for the incident and offered a 10 pound voucher to the couple. Bradwell told BBC that the incident had left him “analysing how I am perceived”, and that the support for them was insane.
Sainsbury’s have initiated an investigation in the incident, and said, "It's been a really great event and an important opportunity for the community to show their support. We do our best to make sure everyone feels welcome in our stores but occasionally we make mistakes. We are working hard to make sure lessons are learnt."
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