Shocking: Bear beaten to death for mauling man who tried to take selfie with it
Video footage captured by one of the bystanders shows the bear attacking the man as he struggles to escape its grip.

In another of shocking animal abuse, dramatic footage has appeared on social media showing a bear being beaten by a crowd of men with sticks and spears. The bear’s fault? It mauled a man who had tried taking a selfie with a wild animal.
The incident which happened in Odisha saw the unidentified victim, 27, spring to his defence when the distressed animal pounced on him. The man was saved by locals.
Video footage captured by one of the bystanders shows the bear attacking the man as he struggles to escape its grip.
The video sees a lot of shouting and screaming as locals gathered in huge numbers and tried to free the man.
When the bear refused to let go the mob used sticks and spears to pin it to the ground and beat it to death.
One man can be seen grabbing a boulder and cruelly launching it down at the animal to make sure it was dead.
The man was pulled to safety and escaped with minor injuries.
Notably, it is unknown whether the men came with the intention to kill the near in the first place, however, going by the footage, they seemed ready with weapons from the very beginning.
Sloth bears are native to the area.
Last week a taxi driver was killed under similar circumstances when Pabhu Bhatara, while driving guests home from a wedding spotted a bear by the roadside and tried taking a picture with the wounded animal.
Video taken by shocked onlookers shows one person trying to save Mr Bhatara from the animal, but to no avail.