Queen's bra-fitter is stripped of royal title
Rigby & Peller can no longer display royal coat of arms.

Bra-fitter to the Queen Rigby & Peller, has been stripped of the offical supplier after it released a book about palace fittings.
The underwear company supplied lingerie to the Queen, the Daily Mail reported. The company held the warrant for close to 57 years.
June Kenton who transformed the company to what it is today, wrote detailed accounts about fitting Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Princess Margaret and the Queen Mother.
The 82-year-old's relationship with her majesty came to an end when she released her book, Storm in a D-Cup.
Rigby & Peller held the royal warrant for 57 years, but was stripped of support when June Kenton, who transformed it into a world-leading retailer, wrote a book about her work.
The 82-year-old stayed on the firm's board and continued to fit the Queen's bras at Buckingham Palace even when Belgian company Van de Velde bought her majority stake in 2011.
Kenton and her husband bought the business in 1982 for £20,000. 29 years later she sold her stake for £8million, the Daily Mail reported.
Russell Tanguay, director of warrants at the Royal Warrant Holders Association, recently confirmed that the Knightsbridge-based retailer had lost its warrant.