
Focus is on air pollution

Individuals can contribute their mite by doing the smallest things to reduce their own personal carbon footprint.

This Environment Day the focus is on action to reduce air pollution. While those individuals who plant trees with fervour all year long are welcomed wholeheartedly by the community, it is clear that greater collective action is needed to tame the new beast of the world, particularly of India, which is atmospheric pollution.

Individuals can contribute their mite by doing the smallest things to reduce their own personal carbon footprint. The effort also needs industry to cooperate as it has the money and the human resources to make change possible towards reducing things like pollution. A number of corporate people came forward with their ideas on how they are trying to help with the environment on the occasion of World Environment Day, which is today.

The importance of protecting oneself from indoor and outdoor pollution cannot be overstressed. Mr. Sanjit Satapathy, Business Leader, Consumer Business Group, 3M India, says choosing the right breathing apparatus is a priority — “Choose “respirators”, not “masks” for protection from air pollution. One of the most hazardous particles in the air is “PM 2.5”, particles of size 2.5 microns or less. Regular masks, handkerchiefs and dupattas are not designed to protect you effectively from PM 2.5. Respirators filter PM 2.5 effectively so that you can breathe cleaner air.”

“With increasing traffic, construction and depleting greenery, a lot of these hazardous particles are also entering our homes, and unfortunately regular cleaning of homes is not enough to protect you from these hazards. It’s important to take the right action even indoors to stay protected. Just like we consciously take efforts to ensure that water we consume is purified by filtering it, even air can be filtered in the similar way. So the most critical need of the hour is to bring about a new habit — recognizing the basic need for filtering your air to lead a healthy life. You can filter air with air purifiers or air conditioner Filters which are proven solutions for filtering invisible particles like PM 2.5 in indoor air.”

Mr Ranganath N.K, Area Managing Director, INDO Region, Grundfos says,
“With the rising level of pollution the world over, we are committed to making a significant contribution towards reducing the impact on the environment by limiting our own and helping our customers limit their CO2 emission levels. The role of pumps in the fight against pollution can be directly linked to energy consumption. Pumps account for 10% of the world’s total electrical energy consumption. Up to 90% of them are inefficient and replacing them with energy efficient pumps can save around 4% of the world’s electrical energy consumption and also reduce CO2 emissions too as less power is consumed. To reach significant improvement in reduction of power consumption and CO2 emissions is a long journey. Grundfos aims to create intelligent water handling solutions that are highly energy efficient, use renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions.”

Mr. Ravichandran Purushothaman, President, Danfoss India, says, “In the current era of technological progress, sustainability has emerged as a critical element to reduce the monetary and environmental costs across industries. Awareness on the rising pollution levels and global warming has brought forward the need to reinvent existing and older technologies that are aligned to the intensifying government standards and regulations.

“To address the rising challenges of climate change, industries and individuals need to commit towards the development and usage of sustainable technology that is energy efficient in nature, thereby reducing the harsh dependence on
natural resources and reducing the overall carbon footprint across the planet.”.

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