More Indian's die because of love than terror attacks
India has witnessed many terror attacks lately and the casualties are saddening over the destruction caused. However, a recent research has shown that love has actually led to more deaths in the country than ever and it six times more than terrorist attacks.
According to a media report, between 2001 and 2015, there were as many as 38, 585 murders and culpable homicides due to love apart from the 79, 189 suicides also included as a reason. Interestingly, there were 2.6 lakh kidnapping cases related to marriage. Terror on the other hand had killed comparatively lesser number of individuals and was at 20,000 people.
The state of Andhra Pradesh has the highest number of murder cases due to love followed by Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. The cases included heartbroken men turned violent and killing the women, lovers who didn’t get the love they showed and love affairs too.