
Explainer: Why Air Passengers Should Put Mobiles on Airplane Mode

Air travel has made our travels easier by easily covering long and tired journeys in just a few hours. During flights, passengers are always asked to switch off their mobile phones or to put them on flight mode. But, what is its importance and what are the possible dangers of not conforming to it?

The Flight mode is also called airplane mode, it disables the wireless communication functions, including cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, in a mobile device. By keeping the phone on the flight mode, a person plays a part in making sure, the safety and efficiency of flight operations. It is not just a suggestion but a necessary measure approved by aviation experts and regulatory authorities.

The main reason to use flight mode and to avoid interference with aircraft systems is to prevent electronic interference in communication systems and aircraft navigation. Even though modern aircraft can resist electronic signals and electromagnetic interference from mobile devices, as they are designed to do so, mobile phones have the potential to disrupt sensitive onboard instruments, especially during the crucial phases of landings and takeoffs.

To make sure, safety and complianceAirlines and aviation, authorities have mandated the use of flight modes to comply with safety regulations and ensure the smooth operation of flight systems. By switching cell phones to flight modes, one can contribute to a safe flying environment for every passenger traveling on the flight.

Moreover, Mobile phones also emit Radio Frequency(RF) signals while transmitting data or connecting to cellular networks. Although these emissions are usually low-power and harmless to humans, they still have the potential to interfere with the communication system of the aircraft or can cause Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in sensitive equipment.

By enabling the flight mode, you can also preserve the battery life as it conserves the phone’s battery by disabling the power-hungry wireless functions. This, in turn, allows a person to have a longer battery life, throughout the journey.

Passengers should follow the rules and regulations of the airlines related to the use of electronic devices as It shows respect for the instructions of cabin crew and contributes to the harmonious travel experience for everyone onboard. Ignoring these guidelines, not only can pose a safety risk but can also disrupt the overall environment of the flight.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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