Women reveal the weirdest places they have been hit on
Men hit on women at the office since they spend a lot of time there; parties, pubs and other social gathering have long been the most common places but there are some that nobody can imagine. Women have experiences literally all over the place and for men no place seems to be out of boundaries, even if it is a place of mourning.
According to a report in the Independent, women revealed the worst places they have been asked out by men other than the usual pub, the list also includes funerals for starters. While attendees at the funeral are still believable, the funeral director asking the dead lady’s granddaughter out is the most surprising. Many women were also asked out during medical checkups and one particular woman revealed that a female ultrasound technical person asked her out after getting a transvaginal ultrasound.If pubs were normal, a woman got asked out by a doctor when she went to the STD clinic to get checked along with her partner, which is definitely unbelievable.
While doctors hitting on patients are believable, a doctor was asked hit on by her patient when she was told “I bet you have a good body beneath the scrubs” Another was hit on while she was holding her patient’s penis at the urinal.