Women find a man more attractive if they have a wife or girlfriend, says study
Ladies think that he is more likely to be kind and faithful, and therefore a good father.

According to a new study, women find a man more attractive once they learn he has a wife or a girlfriend.
The study further says that they think he is more likely to be kind and faithful and, therefore, a good father.
Psychologists believe that having a partner gives men an ‘attractiveness boost.’
The findings come from an experiment testing the notion of “mate-choice copying”, which is seen in female birds and fish and can offer an evolutionary advantage by boosting their chances of finding a good sexual partner.
Researchers asked 49 female volunteers to rate men’s faces, men’s hands and a piece of art.
But when they were shown others’ ratings and asked again, they moved 13 per cent closer to the average facial score and 14 per cent closer to the average art rating.
The research was carried out by the University of St Andrews.
Speaking about it, lead author of the story Dr Kate Cross said that women appear to copy the mate preferences of other women but this might simply be because humans have a general tendency to be influenced by the opinions of others.