The kind of contraception women take decides frequency of sex
Having a healthy sex life with more frequent sex is something most people seek across the world and increasing use of contraception has also been tied to higher awareness and willingness to explore sexuality as a crucial aspect of life.
While contraception is known to have several benefits including less painful periods, clearer skin for women and changes in mood, research suggests that it also plays a role in deciding how frequently women have sex, based on the kind of contraception they get and the level of commitment in their relationships.
A study observed that women who are more committed to their partners had more sex when they took contraception with higher levels of hormone called progestin and lower levels of estradiol, while the frequency was high in case of less committed women who took contraceptives with higher level of estradiol and lower level of progestin.
The study goes on to suggest that change in contraceptives might result in helping couples who want to have more sex.