Video: Girls open up about their first sexual encounter
It is quite ironic that sex is still considered a taboo in India despite this being the land of the Kamasutra. Fortunately, things are changing for the better at least in many sections of the urban and educated Indian society. For example, premarital sex is not made out to be that much of a big as it used to be in the past. But thdn are young Indian women open to discussing their personal experiences when it comes to sex?
The team of So Effin Cray hit the streets of Mumbai and get young women to talk about the first time they had sex. The women interviewed were refreshingly honest in their replies when answering questions like whether pain during sex for the first time is a myth or about their preference between sex and making out.
The women also spoke about the role of pop culture in influencing attitudes regarding sex and even had some useful advice for girls who haven’t yet done the deed.
Click on the link below to view the video: