Instagram may be ruining your health, experts warn
Trendy diets made popular on social media sites like Instagram are causing many women to be deficient in vital nutrients, the Daily Mail reported.
Women in their 20s and 30s are lacking key minerals like magnesium and copper, experts warn.
A recent survey found many people in the UK who follow social media cut out gluten and dairy, even meat and fish products.
Experts worry that diet trends on social media may be confusing people about what foods they should be consuming and what to stay away from.
"Avoidance of food groups is very trendy at the moment but if you follow these diets you need to work very hard to make sure you get the right nutrients," nutritionist Dr Emma Derbyshire is quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.
Out of all the social media platforms, Instagram has been ranked the worst when it comes to effecting people's mental health.
The Royal Society for Public Health in the UK conducted a survey of close to 1,500 people aged 14 to 24 who used the app. Data revealed using the app resulted in:
* Feeling depressed and lonely
* Cause a sense of low self-esteem
* Sleep deprivation
* Make one feel self-conscious about their body