Stir frying can affect lungs: Study
Hyderabad: Environment care begins at home. If you think dust particles, smog and carbon monoxide are the only harmful elements that can affect your lungs, think again. Your kitchen can be a villain too. When you fry vegetables, fish or patties and then add a little water to it, please ensure that the vessel is covered fully or at least partly with a lid.
A new study by Utah State University and Texas University claims that when water is added to hot oil, it releases a lot of particles that are inhalable and harmful to one’s health. Microscopic particles of fat are splattered which hang in the kitchen air unless there is proper ventilation. The study claims that a large number of oil particles hang in the air even if a small quantity of water is added.
Medical experts stress on the importance of ventilation in one’s kitchen. Dr Sanjeev Babu, a pulmonologist, says, “Particulate matter is harmful when breathed in and these oil droplets as suggested in the study are smaller than a micron which means people of all ages will inhale the same. The more it is inhaled, the more it will lead to a decline in lung function i.e. obstructive or restrictive pattern which can cause shortness in breath.”
Defined as ultrafine aerosols, the study also suggested that adding oil or water in hot pans can also cause the chain reaction of these particles.
Dr Prasanna Kumar Reddy, a pulmonologist, says, “We always advise people to set up exhaust fans in their kitchen for the same purpose. First of all, today’s cooking oil gives out a lot of fumes that can lead to lung problems. Secondly, particulate matter that stays suspended can lead to bronchitis and other allergies. It builds in one’s lungs over a period of time.”
Vegetables and chicken are the main culprits for more particulate matter as there is increased water content in them leading to more tiny oil droplets.
Dr Gita Subi, a chest physician, says, “Indoor pollution has always been the cause of many lung -related problems and the kitchen causes a lot of diseases. While cooking, people should ensure that they do not do so in a cooped areas.”
up environment and always give way for air circulation."