Oral health problems high in youngsters
Chennai: On account of World Oral Health Day, oral health experts discuss about the increased risk of developing various oral health problems and their prevention.
Of the world's population, 90 per cent of youngsters suffer from oral diseases in their lifetime with many of these being avoidable. “However, oral health problems such as dental cavities, periodontal disease, halitosis, oral pain, and discomfort for denture wearers are found in three out of four youngsters and most of them experience decay in their permanent teeth,” said dental surgeon Dr K. Bakyalakshmi.
Alcohol consumption and smoking are contributing to poor oral health in youngsters these days.
While smokeless tobacco or gutka increases the risk of oral cancer, it is also the chewing gums and non-alcoholic flavoured drinks have an adverse effect on your oral health, say medicos.
Poor oral health is linked to a range of diseases in adulthood. It is important to ensure healthy oral health habits among the young.
“Oral health problems not only causes oral pain and discomfort, but can also get in the way of an individual's everyday life and can make them self-conscious,” said Dr Ekta Chadha, aesthetic dental surgeon.