This season, rhinitis more persistent than ever
A cold is caused by viruses that infect the lining in the nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs.

Bengaluru: It’s not the usual common cold that is doing the rounds this season as city hospitals are now encountering persistent forms of seasonal rhinitis. Dr. Ambanna Gowda, Consultant Internal Medicine, Diabetologist, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, treats around six to eight patients everyday at his OPD, who have complaints of persistent cough.
“Over the last fifteen days, there has been a steady increase in cases of rhinitis, with symptoms like running nose, headache, sore throat and dry cough, with the symptoms lasting for more than six to ten days. Most patients that walk into my clinic are a worried lot fearing they have dengue” says, Dr. Gowda.
A cold is caused by viruses that infect the lining in the nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs. The virus usually spreads from person to person, when an infected person coughs or sneezes germs into the air called ‘droplet spread’. A usually self-limiting disease, this season the rhinitis is a more persistent type.
“This season the symptoms are much more persistent and last longer. It starts with patients having a dry cough for more than three days, in addition to persistent throat irritation for more than a week, even after symptoms subside. So, we ask all patients to wait for about three days. If the condition persists for more than five days, we then ask them to visit a doctor,” says, Dr. Gowda.
Experts also advise that since germs often spread when a person touches a contaminated surface and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth people should ensure that they avoid crowded places and also adopt good hand hygiene.
“Germs can live for two hours or more on dry surfaces like doorknobs, desks and tables and even longer on areas that are wet like sinks and faucets,” says, Dr. Aseema Banu HOD and Professor of Microbiology at Bowring Hospital,Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute.
“People should ensure that if they are working in closed spaces with air conditioners, that the filters be cleaned and should avoid coming in contact with any person with cold and cough. They must also drink plenty of fluids and exercise regularly,” advises, up Dr. Sanjeeva Rao, Consultant Internal Medicines, Manipal Hospitals.