
Pot users unsuccessful? On the contrary say experts

The word their popularly associated with is lazy.

Stoners are stereotypically known for being lazy, on the couch watching TV with no career goals. But a new study is challenging that perception.

Cannabis consumers are actually more positive and satisfied with life than the average person, according to a new study. BDS Analytics conducted a study by looking at weed users and abstainers from California and Colorado, the Metro reported.

The study took into account mental, social and financial factors to analyse their satisfaction levels, employment details and their attitudes towards parenting.

The findings were fascinating. Researchers found in California that 20% of weed consumers had MAs, as opposed to only 12% of abstainers. In matters of household income, pot users brought in an average of $93,800 compared to $70,000 of abstainers.

In Colorado, 64% of pot users had full time jobs compared to 54% abstainers. Statistics showed weed consumers were more satisfied today than non-consumers. Outdoor activities and participation in volunteering projects were highest among cannabis consumers.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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