Drinking from a plastic bottle might be the same as drinking from a toilet: study
The research found that unwashed plastic bottles can have the amount of bacteria found on a toilet seat.

Water is the most essential commodity for sustaining life, and consuming more water at regular intervals has numerous health benefits, as it also helps with weight-loss. For this purpose people mostly carry water in refillable plastic bottles, to have access to clean and safe drinking water on the move.
But a recent study suggests that drinking water out of a used plastic bottle is not as clean as it seems, in fact it’s almost like licking a toilet seat, which might want you to clean your bottle more often.
The study was conducted on screw-top, slide-top, squeeze-top and straw-top bottles, which were used by an athlete for a week without washing. It was discovered that a slide top bottle had the most bacteria, which was same as the bacteria on a toilet seat or pet bowl.
The study indicated that the proliferation of germs is caused on unwashed bottles due to a build up of swear, and the study also found that 60% of the bacteria could lead to health issues.
The cleanest of the bottles was a straw top, stainless steel bottle, and came across as the healthier option.