Spiritual detox
Every word we speak, action we take, thought we have brings positive/ negative energy into our lives.

Everything is made up of energy. And though we cannot see it, we can surely feel it. Many times it so happens that we instantly dislike someone without quite knowing why, or we might instantly connect with someone. It’s because of the ‘vibe’ which is radiating from both, and it is nothing but energy.
Everything consists of energy our thoughts, feelings, discussions with someone and of the people around us, some are more positive and some negative.
Positive people, positive beliefs and positive thoughts get drawn to positive energy while negative people, negative beliefs and negative thoughts are drawn to negative energy.
Our unconsciously held beliefs can turn us into a negative person without us being aware of it. If the negativity is so deep-rooted within us that we don’t notice it, cleansing of toxins deeply rooted in our soul creates a new level of abundance which can flow into our lives. Our soul essentially goes through a detox process to remove all aspects of negativity and become closer to the Divine force.
Often it happens that we speak without any mindfulness regarding the effect of our words. The words we communicate have influence and can negatively impact us. We communicate freely without allowing our spiritual consciousness to guide and protect us.
We need to detox our soul by removing the negativity which we create through our negative actions, speech and thoughts. It is important to awaken our consciousness and begin to realise that every word we speak, every action we take and every thought we have can bring positive or negative energy into our lives. Reciprocally, this has a worldwide influence which affects the overall consciousness of mankind.
The very first level of our soul is sustained by our actions. Our actions create and connect us to positivity or negativity which are up to us, it’s our choice. When we accomplish actions of compassion, sharing and generosity, we are filling our life with positive sustenance. The moment our actions become centered towards greed, selfishness and lack of sensitivity, we have opened the door to negativity. This closes the spiritual channels in our lives. These patterns of activities generate toxins in our lives and drain our liveliness.
Our actions affect our nutrition, the prosperity we receive, not only physically but spiritually as well. As a human being, to create prosperity with blessings is our ultimate desire. The key to achieve this is to realise that the positive actions we engage in, such as adopting sympathy for others, helping them go out of their comfort zone, detoxes the negativity.
Our soul creates bondage of negativity through action of speech. Positive words full of emotions and love help uplift others and provide hope and compassion. When people gossip, the words create negativity.
To cleanse the toxins caused by negative actions and free our soul, we simply need to shift our consciousness and act positively. We need to refrain from all negative actions. It is simple: speak positively about others with compassion and respect to flourish.
By reinstating our soul through the exclusion of negativity, we open the door for blessings of abundance and prosperity. Be mindful that our thoughts, speech and actions affect the blessings we attract into our lives. Transform negative actions to love, compassion, empathy and human dignity. This allows the soul to connect to the true essence of Lightforce and the soul become free from all bondage.