Viral fever cases go up in Thiruvananthapuram
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The number of people being affected by viral fever in thriuuvananthapuram district as the monsoon intensifies. While dengue and leptospirosis cases have largely been in control in Thiruvananthapuram, influenza contributes the swelling numbers of out patient wings of hospital, health department officials say. Most cases have been reported from the coastal areas of Pulluvila, Poovar and Valiyathura. Dehydration and acute fatigue that last over a week have been common among patients. “Not less than 5000 people were diagnosed with viral fever in capital till now," the officials said.
"There was a dip in patient footfall in private hospitals due to the strikes by nurses," said a pulmonologist attached to a private hospital. "Now footfall in the hospitals is gradually increasing as more people turn up with viral fever." Bed rest and intake of plenty of water are the primary care one needs to take, he said. "I suggest tender coconut water to some patients to control fatigue. The affected patients must use kerchiefs to cover their mouth while coughing."
Controlling leptospirosis was the focus of health workers in rural Thiruvananthapuram this year. Awareness sessions were held for plantation workers in Ponmudi and dairy farmers across rural Thiruvananthapuram in the past week. The daily footfall of patients visiting the OP sections of various community health centres (CHCs) across the state has risen to around 10,000 this week from around 4,500 last month. Unlike in the previous years, more fever cases were being reported from northern districts of Malappuram and Palakkad, health officials said. According to health workers, infectious diseases usually peak only after June 15.