Playing Christmas music too soon can be harmful to your health
Find out why.

Christmas is almost around the corner and people are already getting into the festive season.
However, you might want to hold off on listening to the classic holiday tunes like Jingle Bells and Silent Night.
According to a music psychologists holiday jingles can make people feel overwhelmed, the Daily Mail reported. Experts say it can remind us all of the pressures of needing to feel jolly this time of year and our financial circumstance.
"What is toxic about the holidays is that at this one time of year, you're expected to read people's minds and give them the perfect gift," Dr Peter Christenson, a professor of rhetoric and media studies at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, told the Daily Mail. "And the music plays into that."
61 percent of people reveaeled they felt stress during the Christmas season, found a 2006 survey from the American Psychological Association.
A 2003 study from Washington State University found shoppers spent more money when exposed to Christmas music combined with a holiday scent like cinnamon.
"If the music didn't perform a function, they wouldn't play it," Dr Christenson explained in the report.
Adding, "It creates this ambiance of this warm, fuzzy Christmas feeling. I might buy a little more or stay in a store longer that is beautifully decorated or have a pianist playing Christmas carols in the lobby like Nordstrom's."