
Researchers find 'kissing hormone' could reduce life-threatening IVF complications

Here is what researchers discovered.

Researchers have discovered a less harmful form of IVF using a "kiss hormone", the Daily Mail reported.

Kisspeptin is a natural hormone that stimulates a woman’s eggs. The hormone was named after Hershey's Chocolate Kisses because it was discovered in n Hershey, Pennsylvania. It has also been found to be gentler for women at risk of "ovarian over-stimulation", the report revealed.

The treatment mimic the body's way of ripening eggs, the team from Imperial College found.

Normal IVF can increase a woman's risk of developing enlarged ovaries, blood clots and fluid build- up in their lungs. However, the new study has discovered this new treatment could reduce a woman's risk of life-threatening complications.

The study found none of the 60 women at risk of severe ovarian stimulation resulted in a deadly complication. This was compared to "an expected rate of 10 to 15% in this risk group using conventional drugs", the report stated.

"Kisspeptin works naturally in the body to produce the hormones for a woman to grow the eggs she needs to become pregnant," lead author Dr Ali Abbara told the Daily Mail.

Adding, "Unlike the most commonly used drug, kisspeptin is much safer with regards the risk of a dangerous complication of IVF termed Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, which can risk the wellbeing of otherwise healthy women."

Dr Abbara also explained that kisspeptin could help improve the efficacy of IVF treatment without putting women's health at risk.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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