
Plastic fibres in India's tap water

They found that 83 per cent of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres, according to the Guardian.

A startling new survey found micro plastic fibres in tap waters in countries around the world, including India. This could mean several health implications.
Scientists analysed samples of tap water from over a dozen nations for an investigation by Orb Media.

They found that 83 per cent of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres, according to the Guardian.

India had the third-highest contamination rate at 82.4 per cent. The US had the highest contamination at 94 per cent. Plastic fibres were found in tap water samples taken from various sites, including the Congress buildings and the

Trump Tower in New York. Lebanon was behind the US at 93 per cent. The survey found that European nations, including the UK, Germany and France, had the lowest contamination rate of 72 per cent.

Microplastics contain and absorb toxic chemicals and research on wild animals have showed that they are released in to the body.

While it is still a mystery as to how microplastics end up in drinking water, researchers believe the atmosphere is an obvious source. Due to wear and tear clothes and carpets shed fibres everyday. Plastic fibres may also be flushed into water systems.

A recent study found that each cycle of a washing machine could release 7,00,000 fibres into the environment, the Guardian reported. Rains could also sweep up microplastic pollution.

US 94.4 %
Lebanon 93.8%
India 82.4%
Uganda 80.8%
Ecuador 79.2%

( Source : Agencies )
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