Breast feeding: A mother's perspective
That was the connection at first sight. Touch and feel of my son on 25th March 2015, lying flat on the Caesarean table. I felt the first jet of quiver pass through my body directly into mammary glands. Even the thought and cry of new born stimulates the brain of the mother signaling production of milk producing hormone (prolactin) and milk ejection hormone (oxytocin). This is the basis of Kangaroo mother care (also known as skin to skin care a technique in which babies are kept in skin to skin contact with mother, is a best method. It makes baby feel more secure and calmer. It helps in boosting immunity too). Rooming in (New born and mother should be in same room and nursing should start as early as possible of delivery within half an hour of normal delivery and within 2 hours after cesarean delivery). For effective and continuous lactation proper latching of the new born, sucking every 1-4 hours is essential.
Do you want your baby to grow tall, smart and healthy. Then here is the formula of the day. Breast feed, Breast feed, Breast feed and only breast feed for first 6 months of life, also known as exclusive breast feeding (EBF) no honey, grape water, sugar water or formula feed. After 6 months along with breast milk please add other home made foods.
Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for infants. It has the perfect blends of fat, vitamins, proteins and every thing else that your baby needs for a healthy growth.
Benefits of breast feeding to new born
1. Breast milk known to contain antibodies which help them fight bacteria and viruses.
2. Babies breast fed exclusively to breast milk for 6 months of life are less prone for diarrhea, ear infectious and respiratory illness.
3. It reduces the risk of asthma and allergies in new born.
4. EBF babies gain right amount of weight preventing child hood obesity and other metabolic problems in adulthood.
5. EBF babies are found to have higher intelligent quotient.
Benefit of breast feeding to mother.
1. Can loose pregnancy weight faster, by buring extra calories.
2. Breast feeding releases oxytocin helps in uterus return to pre-pregnancy size and may reduce bleeding after birth.
3. It lower your risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
4. It helps in forming a beautiful bond between you and your baby which is priceless.
5. It is economical and easy to dispense.
These are the reasons why world health organization insists that mothers breast milk should be given exclusively for 6 months.
Q: My milk is very thick and scanty?
A: First 2-3 days after delivery colostrum is secreted, that is very thick pearly white and rich in immunity boosters, don't waste it.
Q: My milk is very thin watery?
A. It is the fore milk, rich in nutrition, don't worry. Keep feeding on demand.
Q: I have less milk coming?
A. Take a balanced food rich in green leaves, we can also add some medicines to improve milk secretions. Keep the new born close to you all the time.
Q: Can I use contraceptive pills during breast feeding?
A. We have breast milk friendly OC Pills.
Q. I am a working lady, can't take leave?
A. Breast milk expressed in a wide mouthed sterile container stored at room temperature can be used upto 4 hours. In the refrigerator upto 4 days. In the freezer up to 6 months.
Q. What is breast milk banking?
A. The donated breast milk is pasteurized and stored in low temperature and given to needy newborns . Example : For Babies weighing less than 1500 gms whose mother is sick.
Q. I have cracked nipples and it is very pain full.
A. Start applying coconut oil from 4th month of pregnancy and massage nipple and areola to make it soft and supple and in proper shape to prevent cracked nipples.
(Dr Chaithra T.M. is Consultant Gynecologist, Lourdes Hospital Pachalam)