Five ways to escape mass social conditioning
Watch a game, but make sure you play it too. Money and fame are reserved for the players, not the spectators.

The brain that tells us what is easy or difficult is the same brain that first defines easy and difficult for us. Have you ever wondered why only a small portion of people live life without any limits, while most feel stuck in life? The difference lies in how exposed people are to the mass social conditioning phenomenon.
The best advice I can give to you as a writer is not to blindly follow my words but to find your own inner compass. I can tell you from my experience that you will never be happy by doing something that does not resonate with your true self. Yes, it takes time to lead a life of self-awareness, but one must start the journey somewhere. People who do not know what they want will always be at the mercy of others.
What to buy and what not to buy? Spend your time and money only on the people and things that matter to you. Do not buy rock concert tickets or gadgets you do not need just because people around you do that. It is okay to make mistakes just to learn, but do not repeat the same mistakes again.
What to watch and what not to watch? As a matter of habit, I do not watch the sports I do not intend to play. If you are just one of the thousands of fans, then you will never be a celebrity.
Watch a game, but make sure you play it too. Money and fame are reserved for the players, not the spectators.
What is cool and what is not? Just because a rich successful person indulges in a particular behaviour does not mean that it is a behaviour worth imitating. Be a student, not just a fan. It shocks me to see how politicians, sport stars and movie actors are worshiped more than the real life heroes our parents and teachers.
FOMO and YOLO factor: Phrases like ‘Fear of Missing Out’ and ‘You Only Live Once’ are now doing more harm than good to impressionable young minds. The need for instant gratification is killing virtues like patience and persistence. Most teenagers do not have long term goals and meaningful ambitions in life.
Give up the need for social acceptance: Learn to be at peace with yourself. Do not be a rebel but at the same time take a stand on the things that matter to you. As long as your habits are not self-sabotaging or harming anyone, you have all the right right to take your own decisions. Always choose loneliness over idiotic company. Get rid of people who try to teach you something they are not following in their own life. The best teachers teach by example. Find yourself and then be yourself!