Arm yourself for the sweat!
The human body sweats but a few percent of the population sweat even when they are in the most unlikeliest of situations.

Sweating occurs due to the stimulation of the sweat glands, which are present in most parts of the body – such as in the armpits, hands and legs. The sweat glands in these regions are under the control of nerves and hence get stimulated in certain situations and partly due to temperature changes.
Some of the most common occurrences of sweating are when the climate is hot, when a person is exercising, when he is anxious or under stress and when suffering from body temperature fluctuations.
The human body sweats but a few percent of the population sweat even when they are in the most unlikeliest of situations. For instance, they might even sweat when they are swimming! This condition usually is genetic and runs in families, and is called primary hyperhidrosis.
There is another condition called secondary hyperhidrosis, which is related to diseases like thyroid hormonal changes, diabetes – sugar changes, infection, arthritis etc. This improves when the disease is treated. No matter which category you fall under, a couple of handy tips can save you from excessive sweating and embarrassing situations! They are as follows:
Always shower in tepid or cold water. Fussy armpits accelerate the issue; so wax regularly or opt for a laser treatment to reduce the hair in the armpits. Refrain from using strong soaps and deodorants.
Drink a glass of fresh tomato juice everyday and consume a spoonfull of cider vinegar and two tsps of normal vinegar everyday on an empty stomach.
Drink green tea instead of coffee, as caffeine increases sweating whereas magnesium and vitamin B complex in green tea reduces it.
Rubbing cut pieces of potato in the under arm area and soaking your hands and feet in salt water with lemon juice. helps combat excessive sweating and body odour.
—The writer is a senior cosmetic surgeon