Mindfulness in Office: Incorporating Mental Wellness Practices into Workday

In the backdrop of several headwinds like a sluggish global economy, extended work hours, tight deadlines, and diminishing work-life balance, employees across industries are faced with burnout of a different degree. Including mindfulness practices into the workday hence has become a mandate to ensure wholesome mental well-being. Mindfulness, rooted in the concept of being present at the moment without judgment, offers a plethora of benefits for mental wellness in the workplace. Here are some notable strategies to infuse mindfulness into your daily office routine:
- Morning Rituals - Start the day with a mindful ritual to establish a positive tone for the whole day. This includes taking a few minutes off for deep breathing, meditation, or journaling to centre yourself before diving into the day-to-day tasks. This approach helps you face challenges with clarity.
- Mindful Transitions – Multitasking must not translate to running from one task to another without any breaks. Taking brief pauses helps you to transition between tasks seamlessly. Before starting a new task or meeting, take a moment to breathe deeply and align your focus. This practice alleviates stress accumulation throughout the day.
- Mindful Communication: Keep track of how you converse with your colleagues. Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker without interrupting. It nurtures empathy, collaboration, and mutual understanding in workplaces. It is also essential to stay away from your smartphone during conversations, allowing yourself to be fully present and engaged with your colleagues.
- Watchful Eating: “Food is medicine” is a timeless adage. You must be aware of the meals and snacks during the workday to maintain balanced attentiveness throughout the day. Instead of stress-eating while multitasking, take time to relish each bite, and pay attention to the flavours, textures, and sensations. Mindful eating encourages better digestion and reduces stress.
- Digital Detox: Screens are known for inducing stress. Limiting distractions from digital devices by practising mindful technology use helps with being mindful better. Set boundaries for checking emails and notifications on mobiles and desktops, and take regular breaks to disconnect and recharge. These habits promote mental clarity and focus.
- Practising Gratitude: Expressing gratitude at frequent intervals by conveying appreciation for small victories, helpful colleagues, or moments of joy brings in flexibility, hopefulness, and a positive work vibe.
- Alert Movement: A prolonged sedentary lifestyle can take your mental well-being away. Having movement breaks to rejuvenate both body and mind is important. Short strolls, stretching at the desk, or engaging in gentle exercises, help destress. Mindful movement even for 10 minutes each day can help with boosting energy levels, reduces stiffness, and improves mental clarity.
- Self-Compassion: Not being harsh on yourself by treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during challenging moments helps in overall mental wellbeing. Recognize your boundaries without self-judgment and practice self-care rituals that benefit your complete - physical, emotional, and mental wellness. Self-compassion helps in preventing burnout in workplaces.
It is hence the need of the hour to integrate mindfulness practices into the workday to induce mental wellness, enhance productivity, and establish a positive work environment. With the aforementioned strategies, one can promote a greater sense of resilience and fulfilment in the workplace.
This article is authored by Dr. Vasudha Aggarwal, Clinical Director, United We Care