Refrigerating chocolates ruins their taste: Expert
It is recommended to store chocolate in an airtight container before refrigeration to protect the taste.

Keeping your chocolate in lower temperatures ruins their taste according to a chocolate expert.
Owner of online store Chocolate Bar, Luke Owen Smith, told Stuff in New Zealand that the lower temperature messes with the taste, and keeping chocolate in the fridge should be avoided even when it's warm out.
Chilling chocolate in the fridge makes it “dull”, and "doesn't release the flavours".
Smith added,"Extremely cold temperatures can mess with the temperature as much as hot temperatures can."
The perfect temperature to store the sinful treat is 15 degrees C, and it is best to store chocolate in a cool, dark cupboard, between 10 and 20 degrees C.
If the temperature inside your house is 28 degrees C, that is when chocolate can be put in the fridge.
However, it is recommended to store chocolate in an airtight container before refrigeration to protect the taste, as cocoa butter absorbs flavours and odours.
When chocolates are chilled and then exposed to warm air, a layer of condensation forms on the surface which dissolves some of the sugar.
This is called "sugar bloom", when this happens the sugars re-crystallise, leaving a grainy, white surface layer. Leaving you with a bad taste.