Selfie-proof moments
It has become an almost obsessive fad to capture every single event in your life through pictures these days.

You can’t say that you’ve been to a restaurant, ordered a delicious-looking plate of food and devoured it without clicking one precious picture from an appetising angle to show your hundred surplus Instagram followers? New research indicates that since most of our lives have become about capturing the picture-perfect moments the way we remember these events has altered too. If there isn’t selfie-proof, did it even happen?
It’s a common phenomenon now to definitely stamp your defining “moments”, earmarking them as perfect. Roshni Iyer, a Commerce student explains, “I definitely love taking one or two pictures to keep as a memory for the future and posting on my social media. When I look back on them, I see it as a happy memory with my friends.”
Posting your pictures online mainly intimates a sense of sharing with people who are obviously interested in what you do or where you have been. As Neha AP, A BBA student says, “Looking at the pictures reminds you of the good things. I like to share my happiness with others by posting the pictures online but also to let them know where i have been and with whom.”
However, there are people who do like picking their moments. Kavya Narayanan, an Economics Honours student says, “Certain occasions like a reunion with old friends or a journey are worth remembering with selfies. I would take just a few of them to keep as memories. I think real life moments always take a lead over selfie moments at any point in my life.”
The way we remember the moment has become methodical through looking at pictures, altering the real impact it could have had. Issac Paul, a sociologist says, “The dynamics of our society points towards the rapid evolution in technology that has helped us advance. In our fast paced growth, we often forget to live in the moment simply because there is no time to enjoy it completely. Modern technology has made it possible to keep memories forever and help us reconnect with them.”
The notion of living in the moment is a blurred line, but nevertheless they are all definitive and worth remembering, through a selfie or none?