
Don’t let underarm sweat and odour bother you

Get rid of underarm sweat and odour permanently with the new technological innovation, miraDry.

Sweat is a natural phenomenon which can occur due to various reasons and at any time of the year. There are people who suffer from excessive sweating and this leads to discomfort and body odour as well. It can get annoying or embarrassing when you have underarm sweat stains on your clothes or need an anti-perspiring deodorant to your rescue due to bad odour. It is a known fact that around 1 in 10 people around the world suffers from excessive sweat. Certain medical problems can also lead to excessive sweating.

Since stress reactions can cause sweat glands to produce sweat, stress management and anxiety-reduction techniques can help you modulate your stress reaction and minimise your physiological sweat response.

Dermatologist and Founder, MD Science of Science Clinic, Dr Sruthi Gondi talks about an effective treatment for a non-sweaty underarm. According to her, the miraDry System offers a safe, convenient and permanent solution to underarm sweat.

It is the only US Food and Drug Administration-cleared treatment that can dramatically reduce underarm sweat, by addressing the root cause of excessive sweat, and not the symptoms. This treatment is – Permanent, has an immediate effect and is non-surgical in nature. With the help of this equipment, one can get rid of unwanted hair and odour in one single session.

Outside the US, the miraDry system is intended to be used by healthcare professionals for unwanted underarm sweat and odour, also known as primary axillary hyperhidrosis in adults.

A person develops body odour at puberty because of increasing hormones called androgens. These hormones are not active until puberty, which is why body odour isn’t a problem in childhood. Sweating is the body's way of regulating temperature. When sweat meets the bacteria on the surface of your skin, it produces an odour. That smell is what we call body odour.

miraDry is completely safe to use for all skin types. It uses microwave energy that targets and eliminates the sweat glands in your underarms. Once these 2 per cent glands in your underarms are eliminated, they do not grow back and hence you do not have to deal with underarm sweat and odour for life.

The treatment finishes in approximately an hour and one can notice the results in as little as one treatment. However, as any medical procedure goes, your physician will determine the best protocol for the desired results.

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