
How to Get Thick Eyebrows: 10 Simple Ways To Do

Is It Possible to Get Thicker Eyebrows? Let's take a look at these10 simple tips for growing your eye brows hair thicker naturally.

We all know how eyebrows define our face. Earlier, thin eyebrows were on trend. People would trim their eyebrows to achieve pencil-thin, clean, and well-defined brows. But like other trends, beauty trends come and go. Today, thicker eyebrows are again on trend. People are going crazy over thick and well-shaped eyebrows.

They are searching for tips on how to get thick eyebrows naturally. While some people are relieved that they no longer need to tweeze or wax their thick eyebrows, others are concerned about how to restore the shape of the eyebrows. In this post, we are going to discuss a few natural remedies on how to make eyebrows look thicker. Keep reading.

Is It Possible to Get Thicker Eyebrows?

There are plenty of options for making your brows look thicker, but the question is, “can you turn your naturally thin eyebrows thicker”? It depends. If you have lost your eyebrow hair due to a medical condition that can be managed with treatment, you can grow back the hair after recovery. Likewise, grooming won’t affect your hair thickness. Your brow hair will grow back in a month or two (depending on your hair growth cycle). However, it’s hard to make naturally
thin eyebrows thicker. It’s pretty simple. Each person has a set number of hair follicles at birth. It might differ from person to person.

Experts advise that you should never shave your eyebrows, as they might never grow back. There's no magical way to grow your eyebrows thicker overnight. The best you can do is stop tweezing, waxing, and threading your hair so that the brows can grow fully.

How to Get Thick Eyebrows: 10 Simple Ways to Grow

Eyebrows get a lot of attention. They highlight your eyes and give you plenty of options to experiment with different kinds of makeup products. Some ladies rely on parlor techniques to grow their eyebrow hair thicker. While they may work for some, these treatments do not produce lasting results. Besides, as we have mentioned before, no medication or salon treatment can increase the hair follicle count.

Whether you have naturally thin hair or you have lost them due to grooming or a medical condition, the hair can’t grow back overnight. But, a few natural remedies can help speed up the process. Are you also looking for tips on how to grow eyebrows thicker? You have come to the right place. Let’s take a look at the 10 simple tips for growing your brows hair thicker naturally.

1. Castor Oil

It's the oldest and the most popular technique for getting thicker eyebrows naturally. Castor oil doesn’t magically grow your hair, but it nourishes and hydrates your hair follicles, encouraging hair growth. Castor oil is loaded with antioxidants, all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for hair growth, and proteins.

People claim that regular application of castor oil on your hair follicles can speed up hair growth, although there is no clinical evidence proving the benefits of castor oil for eyebrows. Make sure you use the organic castor oil that’s extracted using the cold-compressed method.This gives us raw and 100% pure oil, rich in essential nutrients.

How to Use

1. Use a few drops of castor oil on your forehead and massage it gently on your eyebrows
2. Let the oil sit on your eyebrows for 15-30 minutes
3. Take a few drops of coconut oil on a cotton swab and dab it gently on your face to remove the castor oil
4. Rinse off with cold water

Castor oil is safe. You can apply it regularly to your eyebrows.

2. Coconut Oil

One of the reasons your eyebrows get thinner over time is the loss of protein. Hair requires a considerable amount of protein for growth. To retain this protein, people use coconut oil alone or in combination with other protein-rich ingredients. Virgin, cold-compressed coconut oil contains lauric acid, which acts as an anti-microbial agent. This prevents any fungal or bacterial infection on your forehead. Also rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants, coconut oil is your best bet for getting long, thicker, and healthier eyebrows.

How to Use

1. Take a cotton swab and dip it in the fresh, virgin coconut oil
2. You can keep it for a few minutes or leave it on your brows overnight
3. Wash your face with cold water the next morning

Like castor oil, coconut oil is safe for your eyebrows. You can apply it every day or every 2-3 days.

3. Onion Juice

Rich in vitamins B and C, minerals, and a considerable amount of sulfur, onion juice is often used as a natural remedy for hair loss. Sulfur boosts the production of collagen, which enhances hair growth. Not only is it good for your scalp, but onion juice works wonders for your eyebrow hair. It promotes thicker and longer hair. It also makes your hair follicles stronger so that your hair doesn’t fall. To avoid the pungent odor, it’s best to use onion juice with lemon.

How to Use

1. Put one fresh onion in a blender and make a thick paste.
2. Collect the juice into a cup
3. Add a few drops of lemon juice
4. Dip a cotton swab in the juice and apply it to your eyebrows using fingers
5. Let it sit on your eyebrows for 20 minutes and wash it off with cold water

4. Egg Yolk

Your eyebrow hair needs protein, and there couldn’t be a better source of protein than egg yolk. It also contains a high concentration of biotin, which is another essential ingredient for your hair health. As beneficial as egg yolks are for your hair health, they have a very bad odor.

You can add a few drops of lemon juice to avoid its odor.

How to Use

1. Collect the yolk from the egg white and beat it for a few minutes until you achieve a smooth consistency
2. Add some drops of lemon juice and mix it well
3. Dip a brush in the egg yolk and apply it to your eyebrows
4. Keep it for 10-20 minutes
5. Rinse it with cold water

Do it once or twice every week or more often if possible.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is loaded with many nutrients that promote hair growth and prevent hair breakage. It is a great option for people looking to grow their eyebrows thicker naturally. Because of its non- sticky nature, you can use aloe vera multiple times a day. It’s an excellent solution to oily skin problems. It helps you get rid of excess sebum, thus keeping the skin around the forehead clear,
oil-free, and moisturized.

How to Use

1. Get a fresh aloe leaf from your garden or the market and peel its outer layer off
2. Extract the gel into a bowl
3. Massage it on your eyebrows using your fingers or a brush until it’s applied properly. Keep massaging until the gel is absorbed into your hair
4. Leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off

Aloe vera is rich in aloenin, an essential compound for your hair health. People claim that regular application of fresh aloe vera gel can help grow your eyebrows thicker and stronger.

6. Lemon

Lemon is another natural ingredient that promotes healthier brows. It contains Vitamins B and C, folic acid, and other essential compounds for your hair health. Before you try lemon for your eyebrows, note that there is no scientific study that proves that lemon grows your eyebrows thicker. However, it does keep the oil out of your face and cleanse your skin, which in turn enables more oxygen reaching your hair follicles.

How to Use

1. Take a lemon and cut it into two pieces
2. Rub the half slice on your eyebrows and let it sit for 5 minutes
3. Wash your brows with warm water
4. You can mix lemon with coconut oil as well

Don’t let lemon sit on your brows for longer, as its bleaching properties can lighten the color of your brow color. Also, lemon doesn’t suit every skin type. Test a small patch of your skin with lemon. Avoid this remedy if the skin irritates.

7. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves have long been used in Ayurveda treatments. It has many medicinal properties that remove dead follicles, which might affect your hair growth. That being said, there’s no scientific research that supports the benefits of curry leaves for hair loss. However, it’s worth trying.

How to Use

1. Crush a few fresh curry leaves and put them in warm water

2. Keep it in the bowl overnight and strain it the next morning
3. Apply it gently to your eyebrows
4. Keep it for a few minutes and rinse it with cold water

Do this every alternate day.

8. Petroleum Jelly

Your eyebrows need a moisturizer that keeps the skin hydrated and promotes hair growth. That’s what petroleum jelly does for you. Although it doesn’t magically grow hair follicles, petroleum jelly nourishes your skin and prevents hair breakage.

How to Use

1. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to your eyebrows and keep it for 30 minutes.
You can also keep it overnight if you have dry skin.
2. Wash your face with lukewarm water the next morning
You can try this simple home remedy every day. Make sure this remedy is not for people with acne-prone skin.

9. Olive Oil

Featuring vitamins A and E, Olive oil has all the essential properties that promote thick, healthy, and strong hair. Vitamin A boosts sebum production, the natural oil our skin produces, and Vitamin C is known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Both vitamins make your hair strand stronger and longer.

How to Use

1. Like coconut and other hair oil, take a few drops of olive oil in your hand and massage your eyebrows gently with your fingers.
2. Keep massaging until the hair absorbs the oil
3. Wash your face with a mild face wash and cold water after 15-20 minutes.
4. You can also keep it overnight for better results

Try this remedy every day or once every two days. For your hair and eyebrows use, make sure you get 100% pure, virgin olive oil that’s extracted using the cold compressed method. This one contains the natural ingredients that speed up your hair growth and make your strands thicker.

10. Milk

If the above ingredients are not accessible, you can try milk on your eyebrows. Milk contains casein and whey, the two essential ingredients that make it an important part of your skincare routine. Both ingredients stimulate hair growth and nourish your hair follicles. Use it every day for the best results.

How to Use

1. Grab a cotton ball and dip it in the milk
2. Apply the cotton ball across your eyebrows
3. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water

You can use milk every day. Use it alone or with honey.


Hope you have found answers to “how to grow my eyebrows thicker.” In addition to these ingredients, you need to pay special attention to your skin and haircare routine. Do not wear heavy makeup, especially products that can harm your hair follicles. Some hair growth serums are also available for those who have extremely thin eyebrows. These products are rich in peptides, which grow your eyebrow hair quickly. However, don’t confuse serums with lotions and creams. The application of face creams on your eyebrow can negatively impact the hair
growth process.

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