Woman shares shocking images of child with blisters caused due to cheap make-up
It’s common for women across the globe to use make-up in day to day life, and it mostly turns out to be safe. But sometimes sensitive skin or make-up with harmful substances can leave people with adverse effects.
Shocking images of a girl shared by a mother show how cheap make-up can leave one with severe infections. The pictures shared on Facebook showed the child’s face blistered and swollen due to alleged allergic reaction to the products.
The woman said that the make-up set she bought included lipstick, blusher and lip-gloss which were labelled harmless and non-toxic. But just the next day the girl had swelling and blisters so bad that she had to be admitted to a local paediatrics unit.
She wasn’t able to eat properly for days due to blisters and cracks on her lips after which her mother found that six chemicals in the cosmetics are known to cause allergic reactions. The child is doing better now as she is recovering slowly.